Gali triumphs in debate for governor

Written by Redacción. Posted in Minuto a Minuto, Noticias Destacadas, Puebla

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Published on mayo 13, 2016 with No Comments

Periódico Enfoque

Periódico Enfoque

By: Helena Prentis

Antonio Gali Fayad last night secured his position as frontrunner of the elections for governor of Puebla.

After weeks of accusations of illegally financed campaigns, demands of polygraph tests and brutal propaganda, the five candidates for the position of governor of Puebla last night met to take part in the only official debate of the race.

The debate was a surprisingly well-mannered and well executed affair, the format of counter replies allowing the candidates to not only give the audience an idea of the changes that they would bring about if elected, but it also allowed their rivals to openly question them. Whilst many candidates came across well, Gali from the start seemed to be more in control of the debate.

Among the promises laid out in his Plan para Puebla, Gali emphasised the importance of supporting children through providing better medical care and equipping more classrooms with computers. He also broached the ongoing debate about equality for both women, people with disabilities, and indigenous people.

A particularly striking move was his announcement that on the 12th of May his team had finally released his three by three to prove to the public that his campaign is legally financed. This move came as a blow to Roxana Luna and Blanca Alacalá , who relied heavily on his restriction of this information.

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