Por: Jorge Huerta “El Lobo Dj”.
Play Halloween Jueves, 31 de octubre, a partir de las 8:00 P.M. de este 2013 en la Ex Hacienda Santa Anita, Blvd Atlixco No. 4303 junto al Hotel MM, frente al Triangulo de Las Animas en la ciudad de Puebla.
Dj Guest
Cessar Sang DJ / Remixer / Producer / Pop Culture Nerd / Troublemaker
He began his career as a DJ at age 19 consolidated itself as one of the best known DJs in your town currently working on his role of dj/producer. No enclosed in a genre mixtures ranging from indie dance, house to electro house creating a rich mix of sounds that will do a pretty cool and explosive set.
Venta de boletos: Los Clásicos Mayas, Alcavita y a los Cels. :
044-2222-99-61-35 y 044-2227-07-36-86
Mujeres $150.00
Hombres $200.00
Barra libre de 08:00 P.M. a 11:00 P.M.
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