Por: Helena Prentis.
It is undeniable that there is a huge difference in between Mexico and England, and as a UK citizen who has been living in Puebla for the past three months I have quickly realised this. I did not appreciate, however, that this cultural contrast also applied to the field of politics.
That is until today when José Antonio Gali Fayad, better known as Tony Gali, the candidate for governor of Puebla for the Partido Acción Nacional, held a brief rally outside his headquarters in Puebla today.
Whilst in the UK a political rally is generally a much more formal affair often involving the mockery of the opposition, Gali’s audience today comprised of a large number of young supporters who kept the atmosphere relaxed and fun by shouting chants, waving flags and creating huge amounts of noise with vuvuzelas- the instrument that is banned in England being a testament to the difference between the two countries.
Much to my delight I quickly realised that the music blaring out of a set of speakers was in fact a popular song whose lyrics had been adapted to relay how Gali would win the elections and continue improving Puebla- a far cry from the dry tactics used in the UK. I can’t say I’m surprised that Gali’s fanbase is quite young as he clearly knows how to relate to a younger audience, a huge problem in the UK where nearly half the young population did not vote in last general election.
In all, I am struck by how my newest discovery of the exuberant and slightly crazy Mexican way of life has furthered my opinion that having fun and enjoying yourself in anything you do is almost a way of life here- take note, England.
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